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Co-Ed Spring Baseball League Divisions

T-ball - boys and girls age 4, 5, and 6

Rookies - boys and girls age 6 and 7 - coach pitch

Internationals - boys and girls age 7, 8 and 9 - players are the pitcher and catcher.

Minors - boys and girls age 9, 10, an 11 - pitching is now at 46ft.

Majors - boys and girls age 10, 11 and 12 

Juniors - boys and girls age 13 and 14

Softball Spring League Divisions - Girls only

Rookies - ages 6 to 8 - coach pitch

Minors - ages 8 to 10 - players are the pitcher and catcher, pitching is from 35ft.

Majors - ages 10 to 12 - pitching from 40ft.

Juniors - ages 12 to 14 - pitching from 43ft.



~ Baseball Cleats – Internationals Baseball Division and up. Not required for T-ball and Rookies.

~ Softball Cleats – Minors Division and up.

~ Baseball Bats – Wood bat or non-wood bat. Non-wood bats must be stamped USA BAT/USA BASEBALL.

   Solid one-piece wood barrel bats do not require a USA Baseball logo.

   Tee Ball bats can only be used for Tee Ball.

   What size bat do you need: Click the link

~ Softball Bats - Wood bat or non-wood bat. Non-wood bats shall be printed with a BPF (bat performance factor) of 1.20.

   What size bat do you need: Click the link

~ Baseball/Softball Glove – What size glove do you need: Click the link

~ Batting Gloves – It’s your choice. Not Required. Read more



My child's age falls between two levels. How do I know which level my kid should play? You should pick the level which is most appropriate for an honest assessment of your child’s skills.  If you cannot decide which level is best, ask your child’s manager from last year or contact the division heads of both divisions and they can offer you some guidance.
My child misses the cut-off for the level they want to play because they are too young, who do we ask to get them registered for that level? If your child does not meet the age requirements, they cannot play at that level. NVCLL eliminated all subjectivity in placing kids in levels and uses the Little League age as a strict guideline. See Little League International age charts provided on the Home Page for your child's "League Age". For further detail, please contact the appropriate division head or a member of the executive board.  But please be advised, there are NO exceptions to this rule.
When does registration for Spring season open? Registration opens in September. 

When are practices and games? Practices will be scheduled by your team Manager. If you want to pick the practice schedule, be the Manager! The league doesn't know how many teams it will have until it knows how many kids it has, so the game schedule is made after registration is closed. Once registration is closed, you will be assigned to a team and be notified by your team Manager. Games for T-ball and Rookies divisions are held every Saturday with start times between 9am-Noon and there will be one game on a weeknight every other week. Internationals, Minors and Majors games are held on Saturday's and on weeknights. Team Schedules and Rosters will be posted under the TEAMS tab once available.

When are evaluations? Evaluations are in the Fall each year.

My child did not attend evaluations for Internationals last year, why do they have to this year? Evaluations are not required; they are voluntary, though recommended.  If a child does not attend evaluations they cannot be drafted onto a team and instead will be placed by the division head.
My child did not attend evaluations for Minors last year, why do they have to this year? See question #4 above, but substitute “Minors” for “Internationals”
What about Majors evaluations? Players new to Majors MUST attend Majors evaluations the Fall before they would be playing Majors.  If they do not attend, they cannot play Majors.  Attending the Majors evaluations (for 10 and 11 year olds) does not guarantee playing in Majors, instead the try-out will serve as a basis for who is drafted and in what order.  All 12 year olds that try out for Majors will make a Majors team.

  • 10 and 11 year olds that try out for Majors but are not drafted will be automatically entered in the Minors draft.
  • Returning Majors players do not have to attend evaluations, they only have to register.

Do we have to attend all days of evaluations? No, each child only needs to attend one session … any session that works for you.
What if we can’t make any of evaluation days?  If an Internationals or Minors child does not attend evaluations, they will be randomly placed on a team.  IF a Majors child does not attend try-out, they cannot play Majors.
My child only wants to play with his friends … / My child must play for his manager from last year... / My child needs to car pool with… Requests to play for certain managers and/or with other children are honored only in Tee Ball and Rookies.  In Internationals, Minors and Majors divisions, these comments may be added, but there is no guarantee that they will be followed as these levels all use drafts to determine teams.



What is it?  Fall Ball is baseball played in the Fall where NVCLL teams play against teams from other Little Leagues in our area.
What advantage is there to playing Fall Ball?  The added playing time and practice time will help players to build upon what they have learned during the spring season.   Furthermore, Fall Ball provides valuable experience playing against teams from outside of our league.
When does the season run?  Fall Ball games are in September and October.
When are games played?  Each team will normally play two games per week: one on a weeknight and one on the weekend.
Are the games indoors or outdoors?  All games are played outdoors.
Where are games played?  Fields around Rockland County in Valley Cottage, New City, Congers, Suffern, Stony Point, and Pearl River.
When exactly are the games scheduled for?  The schedule will be made public prior to the season starting once we receive it.
Where / when are the team practices?  The team practices will be scheduled by the team managers.
When is deadline for registering for Fall Ball?  The deadline is set at July 12 so the division schedules can be created and practices can start before the season begins in September.
Whom do I contact for a specific questions I have?  Please email our Fall Ball Director with any questions or for more information. See the Contact Us tab for the current Fall Ball Director contact info.


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